Pyaterochka will open its stores on popular flights

The Pyaterochka retail network has signed an agreement with the country’s largest airlines on the opening of a new Aviapyaterochka subnet, the outlets of which will be placed on airliners. The leadership of one of the largest retailers in the country promised that each store will be equipped with a wide range of goods and will not differ much from supermarkets located on the earth’s surface.

“The only restriction on board will be the inaccessibility of alcohol and tobacco. So say the rules of air travel. Otherwise, people will not feel any discomfort. It will be possible to purchase meat and fish, and fresh fruits and vegetables. A convenient discount system will also work, and payment by card and smartphone is also available. It is very comfortable. A person arrives from a business trip and can immediately get on board, and not waste his energy after the trip, ”said Pyaterochka manager Ivan Pchelinsky.

The retailer has promised to arrange promotions and discounts, as well as regularly update the range, getting rid of products that have expired. To do this, vehicles will drive up to the aircraft at the airports during parking and bring in new goods.

The only inconvenience for passengers will be the pricing policy, which will change during the flight of the airliner. Network managers will geographically compare the value of goods in the sky with those on earth.

“We cannot trade at a loss, therefore, in Moscow, some prices, in Yekaterinburg, others, in Samara, third. However, passengers will be able to calculate their own benefit. If you sat in Moscow, then already on the way to Rostov the price will be much lower, ”concluded Pchelinsky.

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